Industry, Sector and Market Intelligence 

Industry, Sector and Market Intelligence

In On Africa (IOA) equips clients with ongoing data and insights that are customised to their specific needs, ensuring competitive advantage and sustained growth

What is industry, sector and market intelligence?

Industry, sector and market intelligence involves providing ongoing, customised intelligence reports to keep businesses and organisations informed about key developments and trends in their specific focus areas. This service includes:

  • Customised daily alerts, weekly updates, and monthly briefings: Tailored intelligence reports delivered at various intervals to keep clients up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in their industry, sector, and/or market.
  • Ongoing trend analysis: In-depth analysis of trends and fluctuations that may impact business/organisation strategy, operations, and decision-making.
  • Competitor monitoring: Ongoing tracking and analysis of competitors’ activities to provide strategic insights and help clients maintain a competitive edge.
  • Regulatory environment monitoring: Tracking changes, updates, and developments in regulatory frameworks and policies impacting different industries and sectors.

Some of the main benefits of industry, sector, and market intelligence are:

Enable proactive decision-making by staying ahead of industry trends

Support strategic planning and market positioning with timely insights

Identify emerging opportunities and risks specific to the client’s focus area

Enhance competitive advantage through detailed competitor intelligence

Foster a deeper understanding of the market landscape for more informed strategy development

Key questions that are answered by industry, sector and market intelligence

Industry, sector and market intelligence aims to answer several key questions to help guide strategic decision-making:

  • What are the latest trends and developments impacting our industry, sector, or market?
  • How are competitors responding to market changes, and what can we learn from their strategies?
  • What emerging risks and opportunities should we be aware of?
  • How can we better position our business to adapt to evolving market conditions?
  • What insights can inform our short-term and long-term strategic decisions?

In On Africa’s industry, sector and market intelligence services

While some of our clients require targeted assistance through stand-alone consulting projects, some have a need to keep their finger on the pulse over the medium-to-long term. The key value of monitoring trends and developments in a particular industry, sector or market is that it allows clients to adapt their strategies in line with ever-evolving business landscapes.

In On Africa (IOA) is well-versed in conducting ongoing (daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly) monitoring and intelligence to inform strategic decision-making across the African continent. We have catered for the intelligence needs of governments and business stakeholders based in Africa, Europe and North America, spanning a diverse range industries and sectors.

Our ongoing intelligence services are tailored to the specific needs of our clients, whether that be ongoing tracking of industry/sector trends in current or potential future markets, monitoring shifts in the regulatory/policy landscape, or identifying emerging opportunities and risks that our clients should be cognizant of. Each contract is staffed with an expert team of researchers, analysts and report writers who keep our clients up-to-date and informed on the topics of interest to them.

Our ongoing intelligence reporting is often supplemented with business development and strategic support, whereby we provide ongoing assistance to our clients in their efforts to grow their businesses in Africa, as well as ongoing competitor monitoring, consumer tracker research and social media monitoring. All of these services aim of guide our clients in their strategies and growth ambitions in Africa.

Holistically, no matter the industry or sector, IOA is able to provide ongoing monitoring and intelligence services to stakeholders with varying needs. Through our +15 years of operation and collective knowledge spanning all key industries, sectors and markets, we can flexibly align and integrate into workstreams as they pertain to our stakeholders’ needs.

Industry, sector and market intelligence case study:

Ongoing continent-wide quarterly intelligence briefings and in-depth sector-specific reports


Multinational law firm


Africa-wide, as well as more region-specific


Ongoing online and primary research to inform in-depth industry and sector-specific intelligence

IOA has provided ongoing monthly and quarterly intelligence reports to one of the largest law firms on the African continent for the past 10+ years. These reports and briefings aim to inform the client and their clients on key trends, developments and opportunities in Africa across multiple sectors.

This has ranged from in-depth topic-specific assessments to guide the client’s decision making in Africa through to regular updates and overviews of pertinent happenings that may have an impact on the markets where they are present and within industries where they operate.

The same client also commissions IOA to provide more in-depth industry and sector-specific research as required, across Africa. Examples include research on hydrogen in Namibia, and oil and gas in East Africa.

Key project outcome:

IOA currently provides the client with a concise quarterly analytical report on key findings from ongoing industry and sector research. These insights are shared with the large client-base of our client, with the aim to keep them informed on key trends in Africa.

Find out more about how IOA can help you with ongoing intelligence reporting in Africa.

Read more about IOA’s various service offerings and examples of our past work.